Rise from within

I would simply like to be a part of the revolution. 

"Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress if born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation." Debs

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Apply Liberally

So happy am I about this small glimmer of hope that I just read on the New York Times web-page that I decided to blog about it. Polls are polls, and you can only take so much away from them, but in an increasingly hopeless world, people like me need hope in polls that show that the youth of America are finally smartening up. The articles url will be posted at the end of this blog, because I can't figure out to outfit this page with a beautifully stylish link that says something like "Glimmer of Hope - America's youth are using their heads", but on second thought, that is neither beautiful nor stylish, but I digress. Anyway, it basically says that Liberal thought is more popular, albeit by an incredibly small margin, than Conservatism. Rejoice!!! The intellectual coup of America's higher education system must be working, and I like to think that is a good thing. Although blind adherence to any one ideology is inherently evil, Liberal thought in my opinion isn't so dangerous since it can encompass so many different ideas, perhaps even Conservative thought? Conservatism certainly can't absorb liberal thought because the ideology itself is naturally restrictive, and requires strict obedience, aka no free thought which is conflicting. I'm not strictly a "liberal" myself but I none the less see a population moving toward the left as in incredibly good thing. I associate liberal with free thought, with questions, and challenging assumptions, and those my friends are all imperative to the health and vigor of the American nation and humanity at large. So enjoy the article. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/26/washington/27cnd-poll.html?ex=1340596800&en=bfdc2d073ae6de01&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink