Rise from within

I would simply like to be a part of the revolution. 

"Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress if born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation." Debs

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So as if I don't have enough on my mind, I've decided to write a new blog. I'm currently reading Profit Over People by Noam Chomsky, and yes, I am proud of the fact that I've delved into some Chomsky...next up Rushdie. In any case, Chomsky is great if you're into progressive polemical discussion. Sure, Chomsky comes of to the uninformed as excessively cynical, but maybe that is simply because we as Americans are so used to simply acceping ourselves as number one ( which isn't the case and is extremely childish...this isn't a major sports team we're talking about) But, I digress.

Chomsky is able to say many things I've always thought, but he is either able to say them more succinctly, or more intelligbly, I'm not completely sure which. Either way he does it better. I must note one particular quote which was something to the effect of the Untited States churns out, "consumers and not citizens." I feel like this is the chief issue of our times because it directly affects so many other facets of society. The reason American apathy toward politics and the world outside their own personal lives has increased is because of this. Civics is extremely important in a world where despotic regimes and totalatarianism lurks in the shadows everywhere we turn. The United States, and by the U.S. I mean the people as physical beings, not corporations, needs to get back to this basic maxim.

How can we do this? I feel grassroots activism is key, the media is also key, and the world outside of the United States is extremely important as they must not acquiece to our hegemony. The people need to be tought objective nationalism, not the blind kind imposed on them from the top of the power structure. The individual needs to be taught to love the institutions we have in this country, to love democracy and republicanism, yet to view the world through a relative and objective lense. Question authority, re-evaluate your assumptions, and constantly challenge yourself to justify your ideologies and beliefs. Complacency in intellect is dangerous, I feel this breeds the good vs. evil mentality this country has since complacency means you're feel comfortable you have the world figured out. This will never be so.

I haven't addressed what it means to churn out consumers. Business rules all right now in this country. From ethics to social programs, corporation's interests dictate policy of the government. The sad thing is that average citizens buy right into this idea that if it's good for business, then it's good for society, which is rarely so. I feel democracy and capitalism are mutually exclusive, that is to say that capitalism erodes free thought and free politics. Capitalism preaches order, stability, and voracious growth in the economy (note the growth in the "economy" means at the top, not in the form of increased wages for those below). So when profit takes importance over people, we all lose. However, Americans need to wake up and stop lapping up the liturgy of business that the bottom line is all the matters. Believe it or not, I am hopeful we can at least redirect the debate to issues that matter so that we have a society that values people over profit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm psyched that I found a good blog by randomly deciding to "next blog" through the crap. I've been lately looking at capitalism, anarchism, socialism, philosophy, etc. In fact I have open now a youtube page, http://www.youtube.com/user/stefbot/. He has long talks about philosophy. I've only seen the introduction lol.

I have a blog, rational-republic-dfg.blogspot.com. I call it the rational republic because in philosophy we're looking for the ideal, the absolute truth. So in a rational society we're all non-complacent about our beliefs and looking for the truth. So I did my first post asking what people thought about my little idea for the government, asking if it might be a rational government. I hope to add more as I figure out more ways of having a rational society.

Sometimes I wonder if we even need a government. I'm not familiar with Chomsky but I have heard of him. Right now I'm listing down authors and I'll take my bike to the library(I'm 17, without a car). I think he is an anarchist? Reading about anarchism has been most interesting and in fact they claim to be the most pro-people. They claim that capitalism is the plague of the earth(I'm going to explain further why I will also ask "What are they going to replace it with?)"). Now I was reminded about going back to the basics...no not talking about anarcho-primitivists :P...There are many sects in anarchism. But they all start with having a revolution that rid a country of governance by a State Government. So all anarchists should stop quibbling with each other and look at those basics. When the world is free from government then they can wonder how best to apply their individual values. I find it funny that people never go back to the basics of capitalism. In fact going back to the basics will show you that the form of economy we have now is not capitalism. The system we have now is called socialism, or governing of business by the State. Now there is socialism, defined by anarchists, as equality of man-made products amongst the people. That is the people's economic and social worth are equal, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." The system has become mercantilist. It has become imperialist. People complain about special interests. This isn't capitalism. First, special interests should not take control over the laws. Second, special interest laws that take people's taxes and send them to certain companies is against capitalism which wishes for the government to stay out of the economy, sometimes even to rid the nation of taxation.

Anachists hate bosses. But bosses should be entitled to run their business the way they wish. You have every right to quit because you are capable of moving your body the way you wish, unless you go under contract. Businesses allow you to leave a contract. It's your business either way, your body, your mind, your abilities, such as to teach or heal or build, and your property.

Anarchists rag on bosses as nasty capitalists and thus rag on capitalism as a whole. Capitalism is not your problem. Mercantilism and imperialism and state socialism are your problems.

As for being pro-people, you have every right to start a revolution without government stepping in. Start a business, get lots of capital and then use it for health insurance for all. This is an example. A respect for rights will allow people to take responsibility for themselves. If they don't it's because it's a generation to used to being taken care of from cradle to grave. That has caused a weak mankind. Have you heard of Mike Gravel? He wants direct democracy because we're in civic adolescence. I believe in the adolescence part. We need freedom to grow up. Obviously we also need dedication. Plants don't reach for the sun through freedom. They reach for it because like I said, "for it." If they weren't so implanted they'd probably get there, well you know what I mean. Capitalism actually respects this. You have to cut the additions to society that are actually anti-capitalist in order to see the freedom within Capitalism, the right to own capital(such as your body and its labor). If you want to be pro-people you need to A)respect their property and B)do things that are pro-people, changing yourself and your organization, of you/your business/your self, according to your values. True capitalism would allow you to change your organization. Enter the free market and incorporate with others according to the organization that both of you want. And then spread from there.

Sorry about the really long post. This might have been redundant but I'm very hurt when people rag on capitalism and claim to be pro-people. Capitalism is a respect for property and thus liberty and life. It allows people to make decisions on what they want for themselves and gives them the freedom to spread it to the world if others want, they don't have to endorse you if they don't want to. Notice with all these laws for special interests you're forced to endorse what you don't ant to endorse. This is not Capitalism. Competition will help people grow and help society. Keep the bosses out of government somehow. And make your own revolutions.
