Rise from within

I would simply like to be a part of the revolution. 

"Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress if born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation." Debs

Monday, October 15, 2007


So I was going to leave a rant on AIM about how silly I find away messages. Sure, I've done that thing before where you leave a message about some frivolous activity, or important life crisis, or professed love to some gal. Don't lie to yourself, you've done this. Why do we do this? Well, my first inclination is to say that we like to think that people care about what we're doing. OR we want to feel in touch with the world, so when I leave a message that says "In the Shower", well, now you know that I"m in the shower and because you're in the know about what I'm doing then I'm not completely alone. Sure that last statement is a stretch, but I think there is an element of truth to it. So what I"d like to say is that, nobody gives a hoot about what you're doing. Go take a shower ok?, don't announce it to the world. And I'm going to end this fairly quickly here because this is nothing about a response to my cynical, caustic mood. I"m sorry....I'm sure somebody does care that you're in the shower, I apologize for being so heartless...I kid, I don't apologize.

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